pollen-flowers posted a photo
NEW tall candle stands - gallery4230.jpg
Bright yellow flower
Nice violete flowers
Asim Shah posted a photo:
White and ample flower
pollen-flowers posted a photo
August sun shine and storm lante rns set for the walkway up to the loggia at Newick Park Hotel - 019-7.jpg
a flower
Asim Shah posted a photo:
pollen-flowers posted a photo
candelabras to match chandeliers - 029-4.jpg

Pink tulips, Ottawa Tulip Festival

DCF 1.0
pollen-flowers posted a photo
NEW - storm lantern with petals and crystals - gallery4212.jpg
This is a traditional Sundanese music.
This is my second site visit to the Chelsea Flower Show 'to be'. Some of the contractors have already broken ground and I'm wondering if I'll get a glimpse of any of the 'early bird' designers at the show...
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Winter Berries

Asim Shah posted a photo:
Robert Nyman
Like, flowers
Robert Nyman
Like, flowers
Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Often Sahasraram Chakra is referred to "thousandfold lotus" as a chakra name. The reason is simple - thousandfold refers to the many many aspects of a divine human being. All aspects of a divine human being need first to be developed - then the Sahasraram Chakra is really open and shining like a sunshine.
The aspects of a holy human being is so complex that no words can describe, yet of course some very basic aspects are described in the holy scriptures of this web site. The focus on divine love will help all other aspects of a holy human being to evolve at the right time and right pace. Love will create and nourish all missing aspects of your loving nature - until you are one with God and made to the image of God.
Rather than to focus on all hundreds and thousands of divine aspects of a God-like human it is much preferable to fully focus on the development and implementation of true love in all parts of your life.
Make all year a Christmas time for all humans around you and love will get used to flow more and more - flowing love will heal all damaged parts of your body, mind and soul until one with God.
Enjoy my large collection of Lotus flower wallpaper and Widescreen lotus wallpaper.
In album Beautiful flowers
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Private Club
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