Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Runner provide valuable young strawberry plants. A mother plant usually lasts a few years, depending on the exact strawberry variety. The after a few years the plant may produce smaller harvest and plants then are replaced.
Strawberry plant runners are a free source to rejuvenate your own strawberry garden.
however each plant produces each year many young plants by means of runners. Hence those beautiful small strawberry plants are an ideal gift among neighbors and friends. Select the best and most tasty strawberries in your neighborhood and ask in advance for young plants for your own garden.
As long as the runner is attached to the motherplant there is no special care needed for the young plants. The young plants start to grow leaves and small roots and during the course of a few months the plant grows to a half size plant with several leaves and stronger roots. Now it is time to cut the runner and place the young strawberry plants to the final new place for next season.
a single mother plant can produce approximately a dozen small plants.
In album Fruits of the Philippine islands

Colour with two (quite unique). Hung in rock wall, this flower with white and yellow around, catch my spot, take a few minutes before can captured it, cause this flower hung in wall quite tall.

Colour with two (quite unique). Hung in rock wall, this flower with white and yellow around, catch my spot, take a few minutes before can captured it, cause this flower hung in wall quite tall.
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Private Club
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