Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Aviation term compass rose




Flowers - Chestfullofroses.gif

Yellow flower with background out of focus

Yellow flower with background out of focus

Robert Nyman
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A traditional small farmhouse in Cambodia. Most farming is concentrating on rice farms. Hence half of the year the fields are empty and dry like the one farm shown on the picture here.
All family lives and works together on a farm. Thus family bonds are tight and loving. Traditional values of family is much higher than in industrial countries of Europe or USA where the value of family is near zero and the hunger for ego oriented career is killing more and more family relationships.
Farming in Cambodia is simple and mostly organic. Yet in a country of abundant water and fertile tropical climate the harvest depends only on the farmer's skills to plant and grow in harmony with nature. There is room to improve farming without the use of any chemicals or mono-culture systems.
In album Kingdom of Cambodia Pictures



Winter Berries

flowers - flowers.jpg

Asim Shah posted a photo:


Flowers - 46Pic.jpg

Pink lotus field - widescreen wallpaper 1920y1200px. Huge fields with nothing but pink lotus. Lotus farming in some areas of Cambodia is side by side with rice farming. Areas with year round flooded fields are used for year round lotus seed production and lotus buds production as alternate farm products.
Farmers need to be innovative and ready to meed consumers natural needs. Here in Cambodia many farmers have lotus fields of many hectares size. In addition to lotus, such fields also offer a variety of aquatic life to grow and commercially harvested in sufficient quantity to add to a farmers revenue.
Main season for lotus farmers is rainy season. Shown in this picture is a lotus field fully in blossom with beautiful large pink lotus flowers getting ready for a rich harvest. Photo outside Siem Reap, near Tonle Sap.
In album Lotus flowers
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