Friday, June 26, 2009

Florist estero florida

Cascading Blue (UPDATED 06/10/09)

Robert Nyman
Like, flowers

Like, flowers

F lower With White Color, Around...

It's really busy but I'm trying to make time to have a look at the other gardens and see what the other designers are up to. Today is my last chance to have a walk around before all show closes.

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Colour with two (quite unique). Hung in rock wall, this flower with white and yellow around, catch my spot, take a few minutes before can captured it, cause this flower hung in wall quite tall.


atheana's photo

Butterfly on Blue (UPDATED 06/17/09)


atheana's photo


I've got a guilty secret one of the things I really look forward to at Chelsea is visiting the floristry tent. When I confess this to my gardening friends they look mystified. 'Floristry?' they sneer 'Oh I never look in there'

Why is this? It seems that the world of horticulture is as rife with snobbery as the 'foodie' culture that has evolved over the last few years. For some reason floristry has been rather looked down on and ridiculed by 'real' gardeners. Admittedly it's an ephemeral art but I think that gardeners, especially garden designers, can learn a lot from the way florists use their materials.

chelsea_floral_arrangement.jpgI particularly admire their appreciation of form and scale. They create drama and interest, harmony and elegance by really utilising the shapes and textures of flowers, leaves and stems. I like the 'less is more' attitude in a lot of floral art - the arrangements allow you to fully appreciate the beauty of individual blooms or markings on a leaf. Twisted stems, sculptured bark and sinuous grasses are carefully sourced and selected to enhance the design but nothing is included that isn't absolutely necessary.

When it comes to colour combinations the floristry tent is a great place for inspiration. I know that florists are not constrained in the same way that gardeners are, by climate, soil etc but if they looked at their planting plans with the same unprejudiced artist's eye that florists do they might create something original and special.

This year the RHS is awarding several new floristry awards. The RHS Chelsea Florist of the Year was awarded to Neil Whittaker and Young Chelsea Florist of the year which will be announced on Thursday. Hopefully this will help to raise the profile of this underrated art form. So if you want to find me you know where I'll be. My secret's out.

Gilly Brennan - Horticultural Researcher

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