The sweeter the woman, the stronger the man needs to be. That has to do with polarity. Female energy makes woman sweet and sexy. Such polarity however requires a male man. Strong man. Strong in body, work, heart and stormy life during troubled times. For a woman to be sweet - woman need to feel secure. Security depends on strength of a man as a stronghold for all family.
Hence if you as a man love to have a sweet and sexy woman, then you first need to grow strong in life. Working across the planet in a variety of humanitarian causes is one such ideal situation that strengthens men inside and outside. Women can relax and deploy their female being much better on a safe, secure, peaceful and loving planet than in our current troubled planet in peril and at war.
Hence it is a strong man's duty to create the environment needed for women to feel female, to be sweet, to be relaxed and joyful in life.
In album Fathers Day
Left a very drowsy clutch of children in their pj's as I waved goodbye on Thursday morning thinking, why am I doing this???
Managed to get back to Hampton Court in about four hours and arrived on site knowing immediately why I was doing this. First problem, strange change in levels needed resolving, second problem weird dimensions on the slate setts, third problem who's buying the much needed bacon butty's today? All resolved within the hour.
Then I discovered that the beautiful Ficus carica (fig) was on its way. Its delivery out of the lorry was quite an experience (a tamer version of childbirth springs to mind) but we did it without any casualties.
It is amazing and well worth travelling back from Cumbria for, it's a lot bigger than the one at Chelsea this year, not that I'm comparing.
Seven back breaking hours later and the wildflower meadow is in and looking beautiful. I managed to get away at 3.30pm but hit the Friday night M25 so didn't get home till 10.30pm and missed my husband playing saxophone at my children's school fund-raising do. They're celebrating 150 years and in the auction of promises I had offered a free garden design. It raised a good price in my absence but they'll have to wait till this is all over!
Info from:
Private Club
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